It's a reality with their own hands to create an amulet, which will bring its holder the financial well-being. On how to do it properly and use, read this article.

How to make money of the pet in the portfolio of their hands?
Sometimes it happens that our financial possibilities do not match the needs. This feature is very common in the world today, and this becomes the cause of the immersion of the person in the depression.
For days before that the salaries were not as long and painful there are several ways that they can improve their financial well-being and abundance. One of them is the creation of money out of the mascot, who decided to keep in the purse or wallet.
Surprisingly, in the series with the fact that such lucky charms are capable of causing the ridicule and doubt, but they are indeed working to attract to your portfolio the more money. Of course they are not going to fall in himself. Its effectiveness will contribute to the quality and worth of your salary.
Put the effort and not being all the time in the same place, with the pet you have in your hands a great power, able to attract to the house the financial well-being and life in abundance.
There is the belief that money attracts the wallet, which was found to be in order. Unfortunately, many do not follow this rule and already have tickets to a multitude of plastic cards, cards and checks. This "garbage" will hinder the cash flow, therefore, it is worth reflecting on the state of your portfolio.
Several of the rules of order in the portfolio:
- Remove from bag additional of the business card and discount card, for such things there are accessories
- Store in your wallet only the credit cards that I have a certain sum of money. However, best of all, if the card is stored separately from the courts
- Remove from the pockets of the portfolio all type of photos, receipts, and invoices - may saturate the wallet and stops the flow of cash
- Best of all, if the tickets can be placed in order of seniority and face each other
- If you have the ability to store the trifle and tickets separately - to take advantage of it, if not, do not store in a department
- Fill free the pocket of the portfolio of a special talisman to attract money

The money from amulet or talisman very real to do by hand. Do not worry if the pet will not come out as expected, since what is important is not the appearance, but the strength, the energy and the soul, which is investing in its development.
This pet can not do more, and even it is necessary! The case is that I bought a talisman is likely travelled through many hands and was absorbing the energy of the large number of people. You made talisman will be individual and very strong.
The creation of the mascot to attract money:
- The easiest and most powerful talisman can be considered more of a normal dollar bill
- The fact that in it, plus all the images, there is a symbol that attracts the financial well-being
- It is recommended to wrap a simple dollar bill red thread or ribbon
- The red color attracts money and that is why it is doubly you will have more strong
As Ordynsky charm for the money in their hands?
Amulets that attract and appeal to the person's financial well-being has always enjoyed popularity among the people.
Special attention deserves Ordynsky amulet, which is known for its powerful strength and the ability to increase the wealth of whoever has it. In addition, people who possess similar, the mascot of the claim that the effect of ordynskogo amulet guaranteed almost 100% probability.
What, then, is this same Ordynsky amulet? It is nothing more than another thing, such as gold-Ordynsky a coin! This currency bandaged cord (preferably of red color) in the shape of a cross. It is required that you wear indicates your accommodation on the neck, where is hidden the excess of the eyes and does not see the other, and under the clothes.
This amulet can try to do it yourself, and you will surely work, if you are holy you are going to believe in your success and a greater well-being.
Of course it is best to use is the true and original of the currency, but out of it is not so easy. To do this, it is necessary that you visit the auction houses and wonder about the existence of the collectors (the people in charge of the collection of coins).
If you can not find the original of the coin - do not hurry to get upset! Well you can use any other coin found on the street.
However, be careful, in any case, collect the coins that are in the crossings! It is considered that these coins charged negative energy, and are able to attract to you a series of failures.
The creation of ordynskogo amulet to attract wealth:

- The creation of joss requires a certain ritual, that should only be done when the moon is in its growth. The crescent moon helps literal growth of money in the portfolio
- At midnight we must light three green candles. The green color is considered to be the same money", so that the sails will benefit from flow transmitter. The candles should be placed in the form of a triangle and turn on
- The currency should be placed in the center of your triangle, and for some time not strong, and not too much in a low voice to utter all your wishes about their financial well-being. Try to speak with confidence, and with a passion for all his energy had gone into this currency
- Do not take too long lace, which is made of natural material, the linen, the better and the currency bandage the shape of a cross. Tie coins cross must occur three times and fixed. The ends of the cord must burn the flame of a candle
- Ready the amulet is placed under the pillow to spend the night with the master and after that no longer separate from it never
How to build a real talisman of the wealth of their hands?
It can be said with certainty that all of the talismans and amulets - the personnel file of each person. Each one must choose the pet, check its effectiveness and compatibility with them, and most importantly to believe in him. Choose the pet of wealth must rely on their own feelings and intuition.
Make a talisman of wealth is real by itself and for this it is best to use natural materials of natural origin:
- the gold
- the silver
- copper
- the bronze medal
- the tree
- the stone
- the skin
- linen
The pet must have a color code for coloring, which contribute to the raising of money:
- red
- green
- gold
- silver
The principle of the actions of the mascot of the wealth is very simple - this thing exists as energy magnet, which attracts the flow of cash and does not spend the money.
Any trinket you choose for your pet:
- the currency
- the stone
- pendant
- the bag
- the statue of
Anything for the pet must begin to speak, that is to say, to be alone with her and try to instil in all her thoughts, the desires, the strength and the dreams of your year of abundance.
After such a conspiracy thingy absorbs its energy, and in the future it is charged by the inspector of the flow of forces that promote the financial well-being.
For the celebration of a ritual requires mandatory attributes:
- sailing (fire) - a special magic, it is advisable to use a candle in the church, that it carries within it the good energy)
- the water (the water is considered to be an "adapter" in the other world and the man with other-worldly forces)
- a cloth of linen (which is needed to perform a ritual and is able to "cleanse" the territory of the other energy to the quality of the ritual)
Each rite of the conspiracy must be to do with the waxing of the moon is essential for the correct conspiracy.
How to make a charm to attract money and wealth in their hands?
The most efficient and effective amulet considered to be more normal not to change the currency, that is, one that cannot be exchanged for other currency units of similar value.
For the coins is a penny or a penny, for banknotes - one dollar or the ruble. It is worth knowing that simply having the coin - a little, it is important to go over the special magic ritual, to be strong and powerful amulet.
The most important condition of this amulet is the impossibility of passing of daily life, even when the urgency of the need.
Another strength amulet custom to consider the rune special stone with the image or the thickness of character "Fehu". This symbol attracts abundance in your home and becomes for you an important attribute of the daily life.
Make you can and to do this it is useful to only one stone, which can be found in any place: in the forest, in the sea, on the beach. What is more important - the place in which it is found, must be clean and full of nature.

How to make imperial amulet of the wealth of their hands?
There is the opinion that the imperial charm that attracts not only the money to its owner, but also of luck. Of to do with your hands is easy and all you will need is an imperial coin of the time of peter the First.
Real currency has a special power of wealth and luxury, and because of their strength attracts a great variety of benefits, "the master". Buy a coin at auction, or in the collector of the currency.
The currency should tie three times the cross of canvas or linen rope. This currency, must begin to speak in a complete peace and tranquility and a lit candle.
The conspiracy of the coin is his speech, directed to the currency, and that contains their strong desire to achieve financial wealth and well-being.
The coin must pass the night under his pillow, and hang it around your neck, where it will not be visible to other eyes. Taka real of a coin contribute to its welfare:
- contribute to your employment ,that will give you the salary, and the prosperity
- contribute to their professional growth and improve on the job, so you will feel more wages
- will help you to get success in business and avoid all the obstacles in the path of the entrepreneur
- to help ensure that their debtors could soon re-taken from the sum of
The present and the lucky charms with their hands, of the features?
To understand an amulet to attract money is necessary to you, and to recognize the principle of your action, you should familiarize yourself with all the existing options of amulets. Focusing on "cash" symbols and figures, you can easily determine which of them should be done by his own hand:
- Monetary of the currency or the ticket of the magic of this amulet is only focused on their faith and the desire to achieve certain results
- The nut - embodies the force of nature: the earth, from which it grows, the water, which is eaten and the sun, thanks to which it is mature. You must select the walnut, of beautiful form, to deepen in him a hole and put in it a small note with your wish. After this, the nut three times, tied criss-cross thread and kept to himself as amulet
- The bag is of a special fabric "monetary" color. This bag full of rice, natural stones (each one has its value), gold coins, colors, seeds, and tied a red ribbon. This bag is carried up to the achievement of the goal
- The cinnamon stick since ancient times was considered a symbol of wealth, as it was very far from every one by the pocket. Pay the cinnamon can easily it carries in the portfolio
- The chinese of the gold coin - the mandatory amount of coins - three pieces. All of them should be bandaged red of the needle, and then attract to you the abundance
- The toad - since antiquity, it was considered to animals, able to attract money in the house. In today's world there are many figures of toads, which is kept in the mouth of the chinese currency
As you do a lucky talisman of their hands?
The creation of money out of charm or amulet that brings good luck is much stronger than what you can buy in the store or in the shop of magical objects.
Of course, you can begin to talk about the money that you want to object or to use the services of a person with a talent extrasensory. However, you should know that the effectiveness of each of each pet is only the result of his productive work.
It is not necessary to have specific data or capabilities to be able to begin to talk about the currency. Simply possess a burning desire and confidence in himself, to "load" the trifle of your energy. There is the opinion that the special task force have the money the man was able to win, or the first of their hard-earned money.
The lucky mascot of the same way will bring you wealth, but in this case even contribute to their improvement of the personal life, relationships with others and the achievement of the objectives of life.
The major talismans for good luck:

- Quatrefoil - a four-leaf clover. Typically, a clover, three-leaf, and the image with four rare plants and brings good luck
- Lump of pine - embodies the strength and power of the wood, as well as the fertility of the soil. You can plant a tree in the yard, so we only store the home of potholes
- The grain of corn, can be sewn on the bag. They embody the fertility and the Sun
- The hare - foot is considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck
- Horseshoe - is considered a figure with a positive charge of energy, able to attract the luck
How to choose and make a talisman to attract money and good luck with your own hands?
Make an amulet or talisman is only the ground of the matter. The important thing is to be able to instill in the subject selected the maximum of its energy and passion to want something that is a long time for you it is impossible. If you're going to doubt your capabilities, then you will never be able to achieve that abundance, of which you dream.
Are cordially calm, try simply to this ritual and try not to tell anyone your wishes ,and not to be extended by the fact that you take an amulet and a force that he has for you.